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Best Functional Kinesio Taping Workshop In India and UK


What is Functional Kinesio Taping Method?

Functional Kinesio Taping Method is a therapeutic taping technique, designed in a unique pattern to enhance the physiological system and to facilitate the body's natural healing process. It is extensively used in all kinds of Orthopedic, Neurological, Cardio and Circulatory disorders.

Functional Kinesio Taping Method is a combination taping technique approach, applied to the patient based upon their proper evaluation and considering patho-physiology and patho-mechanics of the condition. Functional Taping combine two or more physiological system to prevent, rehabilitate and strengthen the connective tissue. The principle on which the Functional Taping Technique works is Decompression effect, Space Correction and Neuro-Sensory Stimulation.

Why is Kinesio Taping Technique Unique?

Over the years of clinical research and testing with the practitioner for the betterment of patient conditions, Dr. Kenzo Kase, Founder of Kinesio Taping technique from Japan, designed and launched the tape during Beijing Olympics 2008. The world was amazed and got attracted to this colorful fascinated tape seen plastered on the athletes to support them for protection and pain relief.

with Dr. Kenzo Kase during London Olympics 2012.

though the primary intention of application of the tape was to support the muscles and joints, the advance clinical research shows numerous benefits. Kinesio Tape is made up of 100 percent cotton fibers interwoven to make it porous, breathable and skin friendly. The wave pattern of acrylic latex-free glue makes it elastic and hypo allergic. The thickness and weight of the tape mimics to that of human skin which helps the brain to identify as second skin sensing the sensory-motor information.

Water resistant and heat activated properties make the Kinesio tape unique compared to traditional athletic tapes. It is designed to guide the body towards homeostasis. It is Non Medicated and Colors have no significance on the effect of the tape application. The Therapeutic effect of the tape last for 2 - 3 days.

Unique Wave pattern in the tape.

How Does it Work?

This unique design in the tape, helps in stimulation of mechano-receptors present in the connective tissue. The light touch, sends the sensory information through the sensory receptors to improve the motor function output. The signal transmitted from skin to spinal cord to cortex helps in inhibition of the pain sensation through the pre-synaptic junction.

Wave pattern in the tape helps in lifting up the skin, causing decompression effect. The decompression effect create the space between the connective issue promoting vascular supply in the inflamed tissue, the capillaries of the circulatory system get dilated encouraging regeneration and repair.

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Effect of kinesio tape application on the connective tissue.

How does Functional taping works?

Functional Taping incorporate two or more physiological system based on patho-physiology of the diagnosis. Functional Taping target the sensory mechano receptors present in the skin, muscle, fascia and joint to correct somatic and mechanical dysfunction in the human anatomy.

Functional Taping correct the physiological adaptation or compensation done as a protective mechanism towards the sports injuries, restore the soft tissue alignment and dysfunction, correct the muscular imbalance, improve the proprioception of joint and muscle, enhance the circulation of arterial, venous, nerve and lymphatic channels, improve the overall function and performance of the athletes.

As per the recent advance research in Kinesio taping, the application work best for fascia injuries and its dysfunction. Very few clinical evidence and research paper available for deeper muscles and joints stability.

Clinical Evidence

Fascia and its disorders, Acute trauma, Chronic Inflammation and Mechanical dysfunction has a strong evidence for Functional Taping.


Tender, Contracture, scars and adhesion.


Tightness, Spasm, Severe contraction, Spastic and Rigidity - Inhibition taping

Weakness, Flaccid Facilitation taping


Fascia dysfunction :

Superficial Fascia - Circulation (A, V, N, L)

Deep Fascia - Muscles dysfunction.


Decompression effect encourage flow of fluid from high pressure to low pressure.


Peripheral Neuropathy (Sciatic Nerve, Tibial etc)


Improve joint proprioception, stability and position fault.

pre and post effect of kinesio taping on restoring the normal coloration of the skin

Effect of taping on contusion.

Contraindication and precaution.

Fragile Skin, Open wound, Cancer, DVT, Varicose veins, Dermat conditions, Allodynia : Contraindication.

Diabetes, Hypertension, Renal insufficiency, Pregnancy, hyperalgesia : Precaution.

Things To Note.

Prior Application:

Skin should be dry and body hair must be trimmed.

Measurement of the tape should be in ideal stretched position.

Check for contraindication and precaution.

Round the Edges and Avoid touching the glue side.

Take consent and provide proper information to the patient about the taping.

Activate the glue, by rubbing along the tape.

Tapes should be removed in the direction of hair growth.

Remove the tape, if increased sensation, allergic reaction seen.

If symptoms worsen, immediately remove the tape and reassess the condition.

Perform the test patch to check allergic reaction to tape.

Always use the adherent spray, in case of sweat or oil skin condition. Remover spray in case of stuck tape.

Best Kinesio tapes

Based on my personal experience of 8 years of kinesio taping, my personal suggestions and recommendation regarding purchase of high quality tapes.

Avoid Korean and Chinese Brand Tapes, as these are available at cheaper rates, are made up of mixture of cotton and polyester, latex glue which is super adhesive to cause skin irritations, blister and redness.

Kinesio Tex FP - Original

Pros : Nano Touch Technology, Finger Print technology for fine touch stimulation to activate the skin and fascia. 100 % cotton fiber, less allergic reaction and quite breathable.

Cons : Stay on the skin for limited time as the glue in the tape is not that strong.


Pros: Cotton 90 %, latex free glue, shinny cotton texture, hypo allergic

Cons: Expensive. (avoid purchasing the precuts roll)

Rock Tape

Cons: 100 %Cotton fiber, Extra Stretch in the tape while manufactured.

pros: sticky glue (latex may be), quite adherent, avoid for any fragile skin.

Mueller Kinesiology tape

Pros: 90% cotton - 10 % polyester. stretch in the tape while manufacture is adequate. economical as the production cost of box is saved.

Cons: allergic reaction seen if extra stretch, and worn for extended period of time.

London Batch with Rock Tape.

HPE UK London - host 2 days of International Certification Course in HPE Functional Kinesio Taping across the globe.

more info on


  1. There are many different interventions in the world of physical therapy, and one relatively popular option is kinesiology tape. Kinesiologie Tape Test 2021: Die besten 5 Kinesiologie Tapes im Vergleich


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