Finance Blog

Dry Needling for Axillary Nerve

Case Study: 42 years old male,residing in Mumbai, frequent traveler, complained of pain in the right shoulder and upper back region radiating to upper arm persisting mainly on deltoid region.

after assessment and evaluating him, we found that the issue was overused muscles/ over stressed muscle of scapular region especially upper trapezius, rhomboids, levator scapulae and teres minor and major, sign and symptoms was mainly towards ROTATOR CUFF Lesion accompanied to other compensatory muscles in shoulder region.

after releasing the tight overstressed muscle with Myofascial Release (MFR) and cupping, the pain reduced to almost 40 % after few session the pain in the shoulder region was almost 2/10, so we decided to concentrate mainly on his deltoid region which the radiating pain location was shown by the patient.

we decided to go ahead with neuro Muscular Dry Needling for Nerve esp the AXILLARY nerve which supplied to Major muscles which were in affected area.

while manipulating the needles, we observed various twitch response from the area correspondent to inflammation sites and tenderness points, next visit to clinic, patient reported 50 % difference in pain level and intensity and frequency of pain was considerably less.
