Categorised as Most Severe and Irritating Sports Injuries.
Runner's, Jumper's and Cyclist Most favorite Injury - THE SHIN SPLINTS
Why Severe Pain - credit goes to Nociceptors (Most Commonly called as "Free Nerve Ending")
as they are free !!!! they are present everywhere in body....but highly motivated to be present in Periosteum of Bone (Outer covering of the bone)
Why Irritating - Pain from Periosteum will be sharp shooting pain, and Sharp shooting pain experience will never be calm. it's more irritating in nature.
Anterior and Medial border of Tibia (most common)
Repetitive use of ankle movement (basically Up and Down) (DF / PF) :either in weight bearing or non weight bearing causes Tibialis anterior muscle to go into overstress.
Overstress - causes muscle to become tight
Tight tibialis anterior, mechanically shift upward and medial as a muscle group - rubbing against the periosteum of the shin bone (tibia) causing rupture of periosteum layer.
EXAMINATION important to palpate the site of maximal tenderness. check the consistency of the soft tissue. provoke / reproduce the pain by asking them to perform functional movement to check the cause of the pain (Ex : running on treadmill / hard surface, jumping, hopping etc...) Start with Observation
Resisted movement Functional test (Hopping, jumping, running and calf raise) Palpation Tibia + Fibula Tibialis Anterior + Calf Medial + Lateral Compartment Special test stress fracture test Biomechanical examination INVESTIGATION Radiography Radioisotopic Bone Scan MRI TREATMENT Identify the Cause
Training Habit
Foot Assessment
Classic Treatment Plan (for Pain relief) Rest (till weight bearing is Pain free) USE
Low intensity pulsed Ultrasound ( till palpation over bone is pain free)
Myofascial release
in all the leg compartment to assess the muscle imbalance
Release tight Gastroc + Soleus and Tibialis Anterior
Dry needling
MUSCLE - to reduce the tone of tibialis anterior
BONE : Periosteum pecking (13 mm needles on the site of pain)
Cupping (Static or Dynamic) Soft tissue release
IASTM (Static or Dynamic)
Kinesio Taping Muscle inhibition - Tight TA ( Insertion to origin with 15 - 25 % Stretch) Muscle Facilitation - CALF ( Origin to Insertion with 15 - 35 % Stretch) Space Correction (50 - 75 %) ON SHIN BONE
General Mobility and strengthening exercises of ankle, knee
(Non weight Bearing progress to weight bearing)
Cross training
Proprioception training Prevention Monitor training load. Hydration. Adequate Rest. Sports Massage. Proper Warm up and Cool Down. Ice bath. Epsom Salt Recovery session. Proper Diet. Nutritional Supplementation. Proper orthosis. Early Rehab in case of relapse.